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Video trends for 2019

It’s that time of year when we start looking forward to the next as we try and predict which trends will come to the fore and which will fall by the wayside. So here’s what we think will be influential in the world of video communications for automotive retailers and what warrants our excitement.


Super-fast mobile streaming in the form of 5G has long been anticipated with the arrival of the first 5G smartphones expected in 2019. Of course, these phones will need a network to connect to and some major mobile manufacturers are already trialling 5G networks. It is likely though that we will have some time to wait before widespread coverage is available. So whilst many of us will be signing up for some of the first 5G smartphones, we will all be waiting a little longer for broadband type speed on our mobiles, we think the benefits will be more apparent in 2020.


More innovative use of video

This is definitely something to get excited about particularly as in 2018 we saw several of our clients embracing video for all manner of communications and coming up with some tongue-in-cheek scripts to convey specific messages. As we see video takers becoming increasingly confident using video, we are seeing retailers experiment by using video to highlight offers and even writing their own short story scripts injecting fun and personality into their communications.

In the 2018 CitNOW Video Awards, our Most Creative Use of Video category was the hardest to judge because of the high quality, innovation and diverse use of video. Our winner Trustford Wilmslow filmed the journey to their sometimes difficult to find site from different directions as well as showing customers where to park once they arrived. As well as providing an engaging way to convey a mundane message, essentially directions, the video can be used over and over and uploaded onto its website.


Long form video content

OEMs are using video much more widely to portray their models with BMW’s long form content ‘The Escape’ which was aired in 2016 deploying blockbuster techniques in a 13-minute film. It is highly unlikely that retailers will have the budget or the motivation for such Hollywood-style feats, but it does point to an emerging trend that consumers are happy to watch for longer if content is relevant and engaging. We expect more retailers to upload longer content such as in-depth product demonstrations, interviews with customers or detailed explanations such as different funding methods.


Off-piste productions

In 2018 our Australian colleagues in particular used storytelling to highlight offers and promotions. This video from Hyundai dealership Bartons in Capalaba in Queensland sees ‘Captain Hyundai’ talk us through the various offers on models across the range.

We also saw this technique adopted by some UK retailers including the parts department at Lookers Nissan Newcastle, one of the finalists in our Most Creative Use of Video category this year. Stu and Graham detailed their offers as though they were sports commentators for the then forthcoming Grand National delivering a fun, light-hearted, informative and topical piece of video making.

When we came across advice from Canada business video platform Vidyard to trust the sales teams to create and share videos with customers and to personalise as much as possible, predicting both  to be significant trends in 2019 we couldn’t help but note this is already standard practice among UK automotive retailers using our platform.


Livestreaming and other social media video trends

We don’t envisage retailers participating widely in live streaming offered by the likes of YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, but its growing popularity will most certainly boost video even further as a communications tool. Social Report highlighted figures such as 67% of viewers more likely to purchase a concert ticket to see a band or attend an event if they’ve seen a live stream of a similar event online.


The growing dominance of video

Ok, so we say this every year, but it’s not just us, a report by Animoto in 2017 found that 64% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a branded video on Facebook. Meanwhile, Cisco predicts that video will account for 82% of global internet traffic by 2021 and research from Aberdeen found use of video increased revenue 49% faster compared to companies which don’t.


More video agencies

With the demand for different types of video content on the up, inevitably agencies will spring up. Expect to see video specialists emerge to meet the growing demand. For us as the innovators of video in our sector, this much wider acceptance and use of video means we will be talking to our clients to ensure we continually meet the needs of the industry.


Breathe new life into old videos

This is an excellent piece of advice from Vidyard and is something we are advocating. Just as our Most Creative Use of Video winner can use their directions video over and again, this is a route we’re pursuing with our Amber Follow-up Add-on. By putting a forward date in the dashboard at the time of the eVHC, our platform automatically alerts customers when amber work is now due boosting bookings and turnover. The automated email includes the original video as a reminder of the outstanding work (now required but then amber). One of our users has enjoyed great success by repurposing content and providing customers with a timely and useful reminder to ensure their car stays in the best condition for the road.


So there you have it, folks, video will be even bigger and better in 2019 and we’ll continue our commitment to delivering new features and enhancing our suite of products.