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CitNOW Awards Special

Welcome to our Awards Special Newsletter, we’ve focused on our winners to give you even more insights on how to best use video in your business. There are some great ideas on new and inventive ways to use video and details on why our winners stood out.

Best Workshop CitNOW Video

With 509 videos to consider, Best Workshop had the highest number of nominations which were eventually shortlisted to nine contenders.

It was Lookers SEAT Manchester who took the accolade in this hotly contested category. Its friendly and authoritative tone ensured explanations on work required and the consequences should the work not be undertaken were clearly delivered without sounding pushy.

The judges highlighted terms such as ‘items of concern’ and the explanation of a tyre’s legal tread limit together with a note of caution when illegal tyre tread can lead to driving license points, as likely to resonate with the customer. Finally, the call to action was clear so the customer would know exactly what to do next.

Top Tips:

  •         Always use easy to understand language
  •         Always highlight the cause for concern and consequences
  •         Remember the technician is the voice of authority so provide full but simple explanations
  •         Personalisation is key so reference a particular point if the customer has raised a query
  •         Use tyre and brake pad gauges to add credibility and build trust
  •         Always conclude with a strong call to action so the next step is clear


Want to be part of the 2019 CitNOW Video Awards?

We’re already taking submissions for next year so if you’ve seen a video from a team member or you think you’ve put something special together yourself, don’t leave it until next year, send it to us now. There’s no limit on entries from either businesses or individuals so even if you think you produce something better later in the year, you can still send it to us. Entries can be submitted either through our awards website or through the Dashboard.